Wednesday, August 8, 2007

the kitchen is closed

temporarily. somehow, the stars have aligned so my dear husband will be working nights the next few days, which promise to hold record-breaking heat. and i didn't want to cook anyway! it's kismet! maybe tonight i'll eat up some of my cherry tomatoes and basil from the garden. or maybe i'll get a falafel and hang out at the library. or go to a movie. or just hang out in the cool room and try to decide on a recipe to make from this breadmaker book i got with over 300 recipes! 300! i keep opening it at different point and thinking, "i want to make that. oooh, i should make that. not that. i should make that this weekend. that looks good," etc. the breadmaker and slow cooker work for me in this, my time of need. and pure grumpiness due to the weather. morning ramble complete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why I put cookbooks in the bathroom. It may be weird, but I tend to do more flipping in there.

My new ice cream cookbook is perfect for it, and it has 5 different cone recipes for me to try on my new waffle cone maker!

-honey cornmeal