Sunday, April 6, 2008

first farmer's market of the season

hoooray! yesterday was the first outdoor market of the season. the winter market definitely has its charms, but the first outdoor market means SPRING! and spring means asparagus! and peas! and all sorts of wonderful fresh, green things we haven't seen all winter. of course, it's early, so there wasn't much produce selection yesterday. almost nothing that one couldn't have gotten at the winter market the week before, though i did see green garlic for the first time. and, like a jerk, i didn't buy any. kicking myself for that now - it smelled wonderful. ah, well...there's always next week. the gorgeous weather (i was warm walking home in a cardigan) meant there was a great turnout. much more so than the clammy weather of one of the early market days last year... ...does this mean i've been blogging here for a year? wow, looking back, i started this blog a year ago tomorrow. i have learned a LOT. i hope someone who's passed this way on their path through the internets has learned something, too.


Kirsten said...

Jealous? Yes, I am. Indianapolis' outdoor markets don't normally start until May. Enjoy your April market!

Frisky said...

thanks, i sure will. i don't even need the sunshine, but i'll take it.