Thursday, January 22, 2009

growth, garden and otherwise.

hi, i'm back! the awesomeness of 2009 is just blowing me straight out of the blogging water. just in the last two weeks: a new nephew, a new president, and a new job. not bad at all. and this weekend, i'll be blogging for foodbuzz's 24, 24, 24 event - meaning 24 bloggers all have awesome meals on the 24th (usually) and blog about it within 24 hours. just as a sneak peak, i'll be enjoying a meal at higgins with my dearest, the day after my birthday. and it's gonna be goooood.

my aerogarden is going bonkers. it's been planted for less than a month, and i'm already harvesting some basil. the thyme and mint shocked me today when i went in there to take these pictures - are you kidding me? i swear, between the time you leave in the morning and the time you get back, there's noticeable growth.

january 6th:

january 22nd:


Megan said...

holy crap! look at all that thyme!

Anonymous said...

Woow, wonderful. What a nice aerogarden. Looks so fresh and make me hungry immediately...
You should be happy to see that beautiful plant grow under your hands.